Tuesday 23 April 2013

Letters to my daughter : The First & Second Month

Dear Sophie,

Mummy is glad you are finally here after waiting for so many months. I prayed and hoped that you will be delivered smoothly and I am glad my prayers were answered. But little do I know about this new job  of parenting that mummy and daddy is about to take on. Truth is I thought things will just fall into place once parenting instincts take over but I was so wrong. Mummy was hit by baby blues and I was depressed during the first few weeks of your life. I did not enjoy parenthood and I was questioning my ability all the time. Mummy was helpless and going downhill.

Later did I realised it was the hormones and the sudden shock of sleep deprivation plus the overwhelming task of caring for you that Mummy could not take it.

Mummy has also realised she has taken the topic of breastfeeding too lightly .I thought it would come as naturally as what all mothers can do. It was not the case. I am still struggling with it , it is indeed a tiring chore as I have to nurse you and get on with the daily chores. Nevertheless I hope you are getting all the good things that breastmilk brings to you. I only want the best for you. I am sorry that I have been losing my sanity because of this.

Looking back now there are many things that I would change. I hope you will not blame Mummy. I am learning to make our journey together more enjoyable.

I promise things will get better from now.

You are almost two months old , not too long from now you will be running around so I remind myself everyday to treasure the moments with you because time will pass us by. I am glad you have come into our life and my love for you has grown enormously over time. I feel the pride as I see you grow each day.

I love you Little S.

Mummy J.


mandytsang said...

Hello June

Congratulations. Hope you are doing well. Baby Sophie is beautiful. I am in Singapore but I don't want to disturb you as I can see you are pretty busy at the moment.

I will see you next time. Can i have your email address ?


June said...

Hi Mandy ! It's been awhile since we catch up , please contact me at eclaire_z@hotmail.com . talk soon !